Alumni Fan Box


Alumnus Meeting at La Djoni Cafe

Sunday, June 28, 2009

On 22nd June 2009 Alumnus Third Meeting was held at La Djoni Cafe 299 Perak Barat Street Surabaya faciliaties by Mas Irfan Joni.Alumni BPLP/BPLPD/BP2IP in the meeting representatives of all "ANGKATAN", there were up to 2009 Hangtuah Lima Surabaya has been yield 31 ANGKATAN. Agenda meeting that discussed in the meeting among others, The PAHALAS for Surabaya camp, Social Fund members,The Secretariat of the Alumni at Campus BP2IP, Sowan to Mr Tata Sukapraja BP2IP Director of the Board Alumni.Meeting participant Mas Heri,Cak Bambang,Mas Saiful(BPLP 1), Mas Johanes (BPLP 2) Mayor Laut Mujo Semedi,Kombespol Bekti(BPLP 3), Mas Zaenal Fatah,Mas Imam Z, (BPLP 4),Mas Amiruddin Maya(BPLP 6) Mas Joko, Mas Subhan (BPLPD 1) Juli Sutanto (BPLPD 2) Mas Didik, Mas Bambang (BPLPD 3) Eric Mas, Mas Tommy,Mas Arief(BPLPD 6), Mas Irfan Djoni, Ruben Mas (BPLPD 9) David Mas (BPLPD 9) Mbak Deri (BPLPD 9) Mbak Farida (BPLPD 10)Mbak Antin

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Offshore free of charge vacancies...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dear Bro,
Good Day All,

Please be adviced as per email from Novandy BPLPD IX sent a mesage to all Hangtuah Lima members that his Company looking for some candidates as belows :

1st Master SV.Smit Africa ( Nassau - Bahamas)
Head office
SMIT Lloyd Internationalle Schipboltmaaschapij Rotterdam - The Netherlands
Waalhaven O.Z. 85
Havennummer 2204
3087 BM Rotterdam
The Netherlands
P.O. Box 59052
3008 PB Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Phone +31 10 454 99 11 (24/7)
Fax +31 10 454 97 77
Dear My Friend, can you do me a favour to find out some good candidates for
our company as shown below:

Division: Transport & Heavy Lift
Country: The Netherlands
Working at SMIT is an adventure that you can get involved in. For more than
165 years, SMIT has been one of the most exciting stories in the maritime
world, taking place on a daily basis in almost 50 locations worldwide.
Storylines include not only world-famous activities such as the Tricolor and
Kursk salvage operations, but also project management and engineering work
on complex maritime, offshore projects, harbour towage services, offshore
and onshore terminal services, heavy transport at sea and massive lifting
and hoisting work. Working at SMIT opens up whole new dimensions. Nothing is
standard and everything is more challenging than normal.
SMIT Heavy Lift
Work in the SMIT Heavy Lift Division typically involves a lot of time at the
project location and less sailing time. SMIT Heavy Lift has a fleet of
floating sheer legs that are used in projects worldwide, including the
assembly of offshore structures and bridge construction, the salvaging of
shipwrecks, and other hoisting and lifting activities.
SMIT Transport
The vessels in the transport fleet are deployed for a range of activities,
including pusher tug and towage work, assisting in the construction of oil
and gas terminals, salvage work, heavy transport and anchoring work.
1.Engineering Officers

Country: South Africa

• Comply with the safety and environmental policies of the Company and all
relevant international and national conventions, codes and legislation.
• Responsible for administration of the Engineering Department, the
efficient and economic operation, repair and maintenance of all machinery
and associated equipment and the upkeep of the machinery spaces and
compartments used for the storage of tools, spare gear, stores, fuel, water
and lubricating oil.
• Responsible for the stock of spares and stores and the timeous ordering
and delivery of such items so that maintenance schedules are not affected.
• Ensure that a safe, proper and adequately manned engineering watch is
maintained at all times. In the case of vessels with unmanned engine rooms,
this means that all alarms and warning devices are properly maintained,
monitored and acted upon.
• Compile standing instructions covering watchkeeping, safety and
maintenance routines and ensure that these are readily available for the
reference of his staff and that they fully understand the requirements
contained therein. Copies of these instructions must be displayed at
appropriate locations.
• Ensure that all the Life Saving appliances and Fire Fighting Appliances
are regularly tested and maintained in good condition in accordance with
SOLAS requirements. Equipment and spares are to be maintained to statutory
• Carry out such watchkeeping duties as required by the Chief Engineer (and
attend the Engine Room when the engines are on "stand-by").
• Engine room watch keeping subject to the requirements of the Chief
Engineer, any Company instructions and in compliance with STCW
• Monitoring of Engineer Cadet training
• Before signing off the vessel, to conduct a safety familiarization
induction with his relief before handing over and ensure that the necessary
“Essential Safety Familiarization Form SAF.STCW.002” has been signed off.

• Valid STCW95 Certificate of Competency as a Chief Engineer, Second
Engineer or Engineering Officer
• Valid certificates for the following STCW’95 approved training courses:
- First Aid at Sea
- Advanced Fire Fighting/Marine Fire Fighting
- Proficiency in Survival Craft
- Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR)
• Possess a valid medical certificate to proceed to sea, with no
• Possess a valid passport
• Possess a discharge book/seaman’s record book
• Fluency in written and spoken English
• Be able to apply expertise and technology
• Be able to deliver results and meet customer expectations
• Be able to follow instructions and procedures
• Be able to plan and organize
• Be able to prepare and write reports as required
• Be able to make decisions independently and initiative action

If you are interested in this position, but still have questions, please
Janine Dunn, Recruitment Officer – Marine Employees, Tel +27 21 507-5847
If you would like to be considered for this challenging position as soon as
possible, you can apply by clicking the 'Apply' button below. Alternatively,
if you would like to recommend the position to a friend, you can forward it
by clicking the 'E-mail a friend' button.Do you think this vacancy is
interesting for a Friend, click the button "Mail a friend".
2.Marine Officers

Division: Corporate
Country: South Africa

SMIT Amandla Marine has managed the offshore terminal in Durban for Client
SAPREF since the SBM`s installation. With a keen understanding of the
critical nature of this operation and the high inspection, repair and
maintenance standards required to maintain this contract to world-class
levels, SMIT Amandla Marine offers a high standard of service delivery,
superior technical expertise, constant monitoring and improvement of SHE-Q
standards and performance and excellent communication. It is all about
`Doing it right, first time`!

STWC95 qualified officers are currently being sought to serve onboard our
Terminal Tugs based in Durban. These vessels are responsible for:
• Tanker Operations – including Personnel Transfer, Equipment Transfer,
Inspection of berth, Presentation of Mooring Hawser Pick Up Lines,
Presentation of Hoses and Static Towing
• Maintenance Operations – including Mooring to SPM, Laying of mooring
spread, Transfer of personnel and equipment to the buoy, Small boat
operations, Decking of floating hoses, Decking of mooring hawsers, Floating
hose change out and Gusto swivel change out
• Subsea Operations – including Laying of 4 point mooring, Positioning of
vessel, Working with Diving Team and Subsea Equipment Change Out
We are seeking the services of:
• Masters:
• Chief Officers:
• Chief Engineers:
• Second Engineers:
• Engineer Officers.

Applicants need to posses the following:
• An appropriate STCW95 Certificate of Competency as issued by the South
African Maritime Safety Authority:
• Preferably have terminal or small vessel handling experience (deck side).

Are you interested in this vacancy, but you do have some questions, contact:
Janine Dunn on +27 21 507 5777

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Hi for all...

Dear all members that was joint as follower in this our almamater blog.
Could you please write your "name and email address" if feel free so easier for me to invite you for writing some news,opinion,suggestion and posted whatever you have regarding jobs,family,wedding,schooling,shore bussiness etc for our community.
Appreciate for all your support so far.
Hoping more and more new posting and new followers.
Thanks bro....

Wharmes regards

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SURABAYA-Program beasiswa yang ditawarkan Pemkot dan Dindik Surabaya untuk menempuh pendidikan di
Balai Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Ilmu Pelayaran (BP2IP) Surabaya ternyata sepi peminat. Hingga Kamis (28/5) sama sekali belum tercatat ada pendaftar untuk mengikuti program khusus itu padahal batas waktu pendaftaran Jumat (29/5).

Tidak adanya masyarakat yang mendaftar dalam program beasiswa itu membuat Dindik berada dalam posisi dilematis. Dindik belum memutuskan apakah akan menutup pendaftaran program ataukah akan memperpanjang waktu pendaftaran. “Instruksi untuk memperpanjang jadwal pendaftaran belum ada tapi jika ditutup sesuai jadwal berarti tidak ada yang mengikuti program sekolah gratis ini,” ujar Kepala Seksi Kesiswaan Dinas Pendidikan Surabaya Jones Kamurahan.

Program beasiswa yang menanggung seluruh biaya pendidikan itu sebenarnya ditujukan bagi lulusan SMP yang berminat pada bidang pelayaran. Selain memberi kesempatan bagi ppelajar yang tertarik dengan dunia pelayaran program ini diharapkan bisa menjadi salah satu solusi mengurangi pengangguran mengingat lulusan BP2IP dipastikan akan mendapat pekerjaan di dunia pelayaran.

“Saang jika program beasiswa ini tidak ada yang menggunakan, kamki masih berharap ada masyarakat yang mau mengambil kesempatan ini, apalagi program ini dibuka umum, bukan hanya untuk lulusan SMP yang baru ini saja,” ungkap Jo, panggilan Jones.

Sebelumnya Kadindik Surabaya, Sahudi mengumumkan penawaran beasiswa untuk menempuh pendidikan BP2IP sejak April 2009. Program menyekolahkan masyarakat dan siswa lulusan SMP untuk menempuh pendidikan pelayara gratis itu diberikan pada 50 warga Surabaya yang dinyatakan lolos seleksi.

Persyaratan utama untuk mengikuti program beasiswa ini adalah lulusan SMP dan usia maksimal 22 tahun. Pendaftar harus tercatat sebagai warga Surabaya yang ditandai dengan menunjukkan KTP atau kartu KK. Jika jumlah pendaftar melebihi kuota maka akan dilakukan seleksi berupa tes kesehatan, akademik serta tes wawancara dan Psikologis. Bagi yang lolos seleksi akan ditanggung seluruh biaya sekolahnya dan mendapat bantuan biaya hidup serta diberi asrama.

sumber surya surabaya

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